Designing school seating, but haven’t considered precast? This might be the article to sway you.
Here we’ll discuss the many benefits of why you should choose precast seating for school and university environments, and where to go for quality products you can rely on.
Advantages of Choosing Precast Seating for Schools
Opting for precast seating when designing a school or university campus is fast becoming popular, and there are innumerable reasons for this. In this section, we’ll break down some of the reasons why this is a reliable solution.
One of the biggest advantages of precast concrete – and precast seating in particular – is its durability. Wooden and steel benches corrode over time, making your campus look shabby and run down.
Precast seating is known to be a long lasting material that will not corrode, regardless of weather and other conditions, like having children climb all over it.
Difficult to Vandalise
Traditional seating options are fairly easy to vandalise, and can be difficult to repair when vandalism does occur. Precast seating, on the other hand, is resistant to such damage. And, when cleaned and maintained correctly, can easily return to its original state should vandalism occur.
Intensive Design Process
Designing precast seating is an intensive process, usually during one-on-one consultations where you can discuss custom specifications. This is not something you can do with traditional seating solutions.
Manufactured Off Site with Reduced WHS Risk
When you choose seating that is made from in-situ concrete, it needs to be manufactured on site. This takes time, as the area needs to be cordoned off, which can be tricky in a school or university environment.
But precast seating can be manufactured off-site, and delivered ready to go so there is no construction site on campus that you, your teachers and students have to worry about. This reduces your workplace health and safety risk, which is always a positive.
No Prepping or Formwork
Continuing on from our previous point about precast seating being manufactured off site, there is also no need for additional preparation or scaffolding the way you may need for other school seating solutions.
Quality Control
At Specialty Precast, quality control is one of the most important things we can do. Each and every mould or seating model is inspected by our professionals, and does not leave our manufacturer’s premises until it’s perfect. This isn’t something you can guarantee with other options on the market.
Heights of Up to 80 Storeys
Precast seating is adaptable to any number of applications and can be built up to 80 storeys high. This makes it a great solution for campuses with stadiums or larger precincts that need to seat more people.
These days, educational precincts are looking for more ways to be environmentally friendly, which is something you can achieve with precast seating. This is a very sustainable and eco-friendly product, with little to no waste due to its recyclability.
Where to Go for Quality Precast Seating
If you need precast seating for your schools or university campuses, you can’t go past our team at Specialty Precast. We have over 40 years experience in the industry and specialise in custom precast products and seating you can rely on.
Get started on your precast seating design today by contacting our experts at Specialty Precast.