So you’re in the market for a precast boat ramp, but don’t know how to go about it? This is the article for you.
Here we’ll discuss some of the most important things you need to consider when designing boat ramps made from precast concrete, whether installation is determined by the tides and why we wouldn’t recommend designing your own boat ramp.
Factors to Take Into Account When Designing Precast Boat Ramps
There are several things you need to take into consideration when designing any precast product, but it is especially important to take certain factors into account when designing a precast boat ramp.
Here we’ll discuss some of the things you may not have thought about when designing your precast boat ramp.
Size of Ramp
The size of your precast boat ramp needs to be taken. This includes the width and length of your ramp, and it is important to be aware of your required dimensions.
The facility or harbour at which you store your boat may be able to provide you with guidelines as to the size of your boat ramp, but you may also be able to ask our experts during the design phase.
Size of Your Boat and Car
One thing that will help determine the dimensions of your boat ramp (and is therefore something that influences the design) is the size of your boat. A longer, heavier boat will require a boat ramp that is longer and able to sustain the weight placed upon it, but if your car or boat is smaller and doesn’t weigh so much, it will influence your required measurements.
The ramp’s slope and how far it can be out of the water is something you will need to consider during the design process. If the slope is too narrow, or too wide it may cause serious issues and damage for people using the ramp.
Distance to Coast
How close your preferred precast boat ramp location is to the coast is something you will also need to take into consideration when it comes to the design of your boat ramp.
Maximum Weight
Just as you need to consider the weight of the boat, car or other vehicle and trailer that may be using the ramp at any given time, you also need to be aware of the maximum weight your ramp is designed to take.
If you exceed this capacity, you may end up causing damage to:
– your vehicle or trailer
– your boat
– your precast boat ramp
– boat ramp infrastructure
– marine environment and the animals inhabiting it
Local Government or Authority Requirements
Of course, if your local government or marine authority has certain requirements about the design of your precast boat ramp, these usually trump any other considerations.
These regulations or restrictions need to be followed to a T and should be verified before you start your design to ensure you will be able to use the precast boat ramp when your project is complete.
Do You Have to Wait Until a Certain Time of Day to Install a Precast Boat Ramp?
Unlike in-situ or poured concrete, you generally do not have to wait until a certain time of day to install your precast boat ramp, as it doesn’t rely on high or low tide as much.
That said, it is something you should check with the relevant authorities and installation should always be completed by a trained professional with the appropriate qualifications to do so.
Why We Wouldn’t Recommend Designing Your Own Precast Boat Ramp
While basic plans and sketches are one thing, we at Specialty Precast would not recommend designing a boat ramp without assistance from a professional designer.
This is because designing boat ramps, the regulations you need to follow and the necessary certifications are not something your average layperson would know (or even know they need to be aware of).
At Specialty Precast, we’ve been in the industry for decades, honing our craft as specialist manufacturers of civil precast concrete and boat ramps that stand the test of time.
To get started on the design of your precast boat ramp, speak to the experienced team at Specialty Precast today.